NRPavs    company  history  &  information

This is a brief overview of  NRPavs company services and how we can help you :

Mangahui valley, Tahere, Pataua north, Whangarei

Company  Background : NRPavs  began its web presence on Dec 12 2006 but my interest in speaker design dates from 1973 when I made my first cabinets using a trusty 2-way concentric driver. In 1977 this same driver was used in a pair of green, background rear effects columns. From those first designs, I was hooked and have returned to speaker design, electronics and assembly from then on during my working career . . .

Production of NRP subwoofers, mini monitors and custom speaker installations began in earnest in 1988. 25 years in electronics production, design, sales and marketing allows me to offer you a knowledge service for problem solving, procurement and in particular, wireless system connections.

testing a digitizer

My  Electronics  Background :   I have been an enthusiast HiFi and video person for the last 40 years, designing my own personal NRP brand products, mainly speakers and amplifiers, working in HiFi sales & rental, lighting and video presentation areas.

In the early 1980s, five years with Fisher & Paykel testing car stereos, TVs, speakers and finally as a production foreman supervising electronics assembly has naturally evolved to this service based solutions company NRPavs. Should you wish, some further personal and work details are at the  about  me  page.

So, I have seen the consumer electronics industry from the inside and out :

link to stereo amps in Oldies but Goodies

You can use the link below to access Real Groovy products as supported by NRPavs :

© NRPavs   2006 - 2023    All Rights reserved  

Sound  Advice :  Outside of work hours, experience of countless stereo system modifications and re-connections has given me the practical knowledge of what is or is not possible to achieve in home sound improvement.
Today we have all kinds of new products and formats to choose from, including wireless connectivity to mobile phones, computers, portable av players and multi-media iPad,  iPod  and iPhone 
 NRPavs can take the boggle out of equipment purchases by accessing long-term electronics industry contacts.

any media, any where, wirelessly

You may be in the market for a complete home theatre setup, or just want to add some components to your existing gear, or maybe you simply want to achieve the highest quality sound possible from your existing setup. You will get complete satisfaction for years to come from any secondhand procured item that has been matched to your existing setup, within your target budget, that we have inspected, tested, cosmetically improved, cleaned and packed.

my  back  yard

Buying  Help : Simply email us with your individual equipment need - our partnership to find you just the right equipment will save you time, money and hassle.

We can source new products to match your needs as well as our quality secondhand, tested equipment at  Oldies  but  Goodies

NRPavs  can help by :

  • improving sound
  • adding speakers
  • buying on your instructions equipment as required
  • and where necessary we can design and fit custom solutions.

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