NRPavs     SOLD items 2008 archive  AR  28B  rear speakers  details
SOLD items 2008 archive product details : 
  AR 28B 
rear  speakers

Acoustic Research  AR28B  rear  speakers
AR28B  brochure  image
 SOLD  by procurement request Sept 2007
S/Ns: W11631 / 632
  sitemap         Acoustic Research  AR28B  speakers specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home       
Acoustic  Research  AR28B  
Compact sealed-box speaker from famous USA manufacturer, Acoustic Research. The AR28B model woofer has a different cone and dustcap from our previously offered AR38s model, and also a soft dome tweeter rather than the paper cone/dome of the AR38s.

The crossover is similarly minimal, just a single capacitor, which in this pair has been upgraded to a new polypropylene type. Both woofers have new high-compliance foam surrounds.

Cabinets are generally good, and they come with the original grilles, NRPavs may replace the cloth in due course.

Tight and punchy sound, designed to work best up against a wall. These 2-way speakers will function well as main speakers, but in combination with either AR94, or in future, AR98LS model fronts, they would help make up an excellent 70's style home theatre set.

Specifications :
  -:®:-   System : 2 way, 2 driver vertical array
  -:®:-   Drivers : 8" woofer , 1.75" soft dome tweeter
  -:®:-   Efficiency : 88dB @ 1W / 1m
  -:®:-   Nominal impedance : 8 ohms
  -:®:-   Power rating : 15W - 100W
  -:®:-   Frequency response : 52Hz - 22kHz

  -:®:-   Dimensions [ H x W x D ]: 510 x 280 x 180mm
  -:®:-   Weight : unpacked 5.6kg each - packed 9.6kg each
  -:®:-   Cosmetic : walnut with brown acoustic cloth

 SOLD  by procurement request Sept 2007 to Ngunguru


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