NRPavs   SOLD items 2008 archive  NAD  808CC centre  speaker details
SOLD items 2008 archive product details : 
  NAD   808CC
centre  TV  speaker

 NAD  808CC centre speaker 
 NAD  808CC image #2
NAD  808CC drivers 
 NAD 808CC image #4
 NAD  808CC back view
 NAD  808CC image #6
SOLD Sept 2007  on trademe
  sitemap    NAD  808CC centre speaker  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
  NAD  808CC  black centre speaker
Black grille cloth
Compact 2.1 design with 2 x mid / bass drivers and transverse mounted rectangular tweeter
Switch for single boundary or double boundary which I assume is to do with positioning relative to surrounding walls and may work by switching the relative phase of the two mid / woofers
There is plenty of volume output in spite of the small size of this typically efficient NAD centre speaker

Features :
  -:®:-   100W 8 ohms centre speaker - black
  -:®:-   Extremely compact
  -:®:-   Dimensions: [ W x H x D ]: 435 x 105 x 260mm
  -:®:-   Weight: 2kg

   SOLD Sept 2007 on trademe to Christchurch


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