NRPavs  SOLD items archive  Technics  SL-PG580A  cd player details
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Technics  SL-PG580A
cd  player
Technics  SL-PG580A  cd player
Technics  SL-PG580A  cd player  with tray out
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SOLD Aug 2008 by selection from Oldies but Goodies
S/N: VT7KA85733
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 Technics  SL-PG580A  cd  player                  
This model SL-PG580A features central cd tray, smooth operation & dependable Technics electronics
With remote control - basic volume level control from the remote
Will play CD-Rs

Features :
  -:®:-   1986 to 1989 model cd player in dark grey
  -:®:-   Digital / Analogue converter : 1 to 16 x oversampled D/A decoder
  -:®:-   Signal to Noise ratio : 100dB at 0.004% THD
  -:®:-   Frequency response : 2Hz to 20kHz ± 0.5dB
  -:®:-   Output voltage : 2V at 0dB
  -:®:-   Outputs : RCA phono x 2 stereo
  -:®:-   20 programmable selections
  -:®:-   Remote control : yes
  -:®:-   Remote volume : 7 stage volume control from the remote  -12dB, -10db up to 0dB
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D]: 430 x 103 x 283mm      -:®:-   Weight : 3.5kg

   SOLD Aug 2008 by selection from Oldies but Goodies - tuners


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