NRPavs   SOLD items 2009 archive 1 JPW  ML 510  stand / rear  speakers  details
SOLD items 2009 archive 1 product details : 

JPW  ML 510
stand / rear  speakers
JPW  ML 510  speakers : actual unit
JPW  ML 510  speaker : web image
JPW  ML 510  speakers : web brochure image
JPW  ML 510  speakers : web review image
SOLD June 2009 from Oldies but Goodies to Mt Eden, Auckland
S/Ns: 382149 / both
  sitemap    JPW  ML 510   stand / rear  speakers specifications                       Back to NRPavs Home  
                 JPW  ML 510 speakers - woodgrain / dark grey colour cloth
Details for the JPW ML 510 speakers will be updated during testing . . .

Features :
Rear-ported two-way speaker
Peerless drivers from Denmark
Late 90s vintage

Specifications :
  -:®:-    1997 - ? vintage
  -:®:-    Bass driver : Peerless 135mm [ 5.25 inches ] diameter  19mm [ 3/4 inch ] tweeter
  -:®:-    Amplifier power rating : 60W RMS
  -:®:-    Frequency response : 20 - 200Hz
  -:®:-    Dimensions [ W x H x D ]: 540 x 400 x 360mm
  -:®:-    Weight : 9.0kg, packed weight : ~ 11.5kg each

   SOLD June 2009 by recommendation from Oldies but Goodies to Mt Eden, Auckland


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