NRPavs    SOLD items 2009 archive 1  JPW  P1  speakers   details
SOLD items 2009 archive 1 product details : 

2-way   speakers
JPW  P1  stand / front  speakers
JPW  P1  : top view
JPW  P1  : drivers detail
JPW  P1  : right profile
JPW  P1  : speaker connections
JPW  P1  : grilles on
SOLD Feb 2009 on trademe to Devonport
S/Ns: 0100385 / 0100725
  sitemap    JPW  P1 front / rear  2-way speakers specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                 JPW  P1 - walnut real veneer : honey blonde colour
Details for the JPW P1 speakers are to be further updated
Cabinets sanded and oiled in teak, crossovers and tweeter wires upgraded as below

Features :
Sealed box loading for tight bass
Vifa 8 inch woofers have new foam surrounds
Early 90s vintage
JPW offered superior build quality with real veneer cabinets, machine screw driver fixings, excellent drivers, and hard-wired crossovers
This pair have been upgraded with superior crossover components and wiring to the tweeters

   SOLD  Feb 2009 on trademe to Devonport


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