NRPavs  SOLD items 2009 archive 1 Pioneer  PL-L800  linear tracking  turntable details
SOLD items 2009 archive 1 product details :

Pioneer  PL-L800
linear tracking   turntable
Pioneer  PL-L800  linear  tracking  turntable
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable : lid down
Pioneer  PL-L800  linear  tracking  turntable : tonearm  closeup
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable : back view
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable : service manual specs
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable : arm  elevation
SOLD July 2009 on trademe to Hauraki, North Shore City
S/N: BL 14484T
  sitemap    Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
 Pioneer  PL-L800  linear tracking  turntable                  

1981 vintage linear tracking turntable with controls outside the cover
Quartz locked direct drive model with tangential tracking linear drive tonearm
High output moving coil PN 4MC stylus and PN4MC cartridge - see specs scan image for details

Features :
  -:®:-   1981 - 1982 model   see specs image above
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D ]: 420 x 120 x 427mm    Weight : 8.3kg    packed : 10kg

   SOLD July 2009 on trademe to Hauraki, North Shore City


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