NRPavs   SOLD items 2009 archive 1  Yamaha  RX-530  stereo receiver  details
SOLD items 2009 archive 1 product details : 
stereo  receiver
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver : right profile
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver : left profile
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver : back view
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver : red digits  /  pale orange  display
Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver :  size  scale
SOLD August 2009 on trademe to Auckland
S/N: E112589PR
  sitemap    Yamaha  RX-530  stereo  receiver specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
 Yamaha   RX-530 stereo  receiver                  

   The Yamaha RX-530   is simple to use, stereo amplifier, but no remote control with this unit
   Red and pale orange display, FM preset memories function - 16 stations can be stored

Features and Design :
CD direct tone controls bypass
Controls and switches serviced, cosmetic improvements

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1990 vintage
  -:®:-   Speakers : A, B, A + B
  -:®:-   Power rating : 50W RMS stereo at 0.02% THD
  -:®:-   Dynamic power : at 8 / 6 / 4 / 2 ohms : 80 / 92 / 110 / 100W RMS
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D]: 435 x 126 x 289mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 5.6kg

   SOLD August 2009 on trademe to Auckland


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