NRPavs   SOLD items 2010 archive 1   Luxman  K-110   cassette  deck  details
SOLD items 2010 archive 1 product details : 
Luxman  K-110
cassette  deck

Luxman  K-110  cassette deck
Luxman  K-110  cassette deck : right profile - bronze front finish
Luxman  K-110  cassette deck : left profile
Luxman  K-110  cassette deck : back view
Luxman  K-110  cassette deck : heads closeup - near new condition from very little use
Luxman  K-110  cassette deck : size scale
   SOLD  February 2010 on trademe  to Hastings
S/N: 90914316
  Luxman  K-110  dual cassette deck specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                 Luxman   K-110 cassette deck - burned copper colour
The Luxman K-110 cassette deck is an attractive bronze finish, high quality tape recorder in excellent condition from minimal past usage
Vintage left loading, auto-reverse
Dolby B, C and HX Pro noise reduction

Features :
  -:®:-    1989 vintage
  -:®:-    Frequency response [±3dB] : Metal: 30Hz to 17kHz;   CrO2: 30Hz to 16kHz;   Normal: 30Hz to 15kHz
  -:®:-    Signal to noise [3% distortion, 400Hz] : Metal: Dolby C: 74dB; Dolby B: 65dB; no Dolby : 56dB
  -:®:-    Output level / impedance : 500mV / 2.4kohms
  -:®:-    Heads x 2 : Record / playback head: Hexalam   Ersae head: Double gap ferrite
  -:®:-    Wow & Flutter : 0.07% [WRMS]
  -:®:-    Dimensions [W x H x D]: 438 x 110 x 272mm
  -:®:-    Weight : 3.9kg, packed weight : ~ 5.5kg

   SOLD  February 2010 on trademe  to Hastings


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