NRPavs  SOLD items 2011 archive 1  Denon  DRM-700A 3-head cassette tape player  details
SOLD items 2011 archive 1 product details : 
cassette  tape  player

Denon  DRM-700A cassette deck  : 
Denon  DRM-700A :  right  profile
Denon  DRM-700A  :  connections closeup  - outputs leftmost
Denon  DRM-700A  back  view
Denon  DRM-700A  cassette deck  :  front door cover is removable
Denon  DRM-700A  :  left  profile
   SOLD  May 2011 on trademe to Nelson
S/N: 0095700124
  Denon  DRM-700A cassette tape player specifications               Back to NRPavs Home  
               Denon  DRM-700A cassette deck - black :
Precision 3-head model allows monitoring of the recorded signal as well as the source
This allows you to set the variable bias and Dolby to get the best audio quality on tape

Features :
  -:®:-   Fluorescent level display
  -:®:-   Dolby B,  Dolby C,  Dolby HX Pro
  -:®:-   Input and output level controls
  -:®:-   Can mount wooden side panels

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1990 to 1991 vintage  3-head design
  -:®:-   Tape speed : 4.8 cms-1  -:®:-   Normal,  Chrome, metal tape capable  - auto type selection
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D] : 434 x 135 x 303mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 5.0kg

   SOLD  May 2011 on trademe to Nelson


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