NRPavs  SOLD items 2014 archive 1  Denon  AVR-1010  Dolby Pro ht receiver   details
SOLD items 2014 archive 1 product details : 
  Denon  AVR-1010
Dolby Prologic ht  receiver
Denon  AVR-1010  7.1  home theatre receiver  :  no remote
Denon  AVR-1010  receiver  :  controls cover open
Denon  AVR-1010  receiver  :  display  closeup
Denon  AVR-1010  receiver  :  back  view - connections closeup
Denon  AVR-1010  receiver  :  concealed  Dolby ht and  tuning  menu  controls
Denon  AVR-1010  receiver  :  size  scale
   SOLD April 2014 on trademe  to Panmure, Auckland
S/N: 1057300266  remote: none
  sitemap             Denon  AVR-1010  Doby Prologic home theatre receiver   specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
              Denon   AVR-1010 Dolby Prologic ht receiver - black :
Features :
• Dolby Pro Logic : 4 modes
• Digital Delay Circuit
• Fold down Controls panel

Specifications [may be updated] :
  -:®:-   Vintage : 1990 model
  -:®:-   Rated Power Output : Front: 100 watts RMS x 2 [at 8ohms, 20Hz to 20kHz]
  -:®:-   Center : 35 watts RMS x 2, [at 8ohms, 20Hz to 20kHz]
  -:®:-   Rear : 35 watts RMS x 2, 8ohms, 1kHz
  -:®:-   Audio inputs : MM moving magnetic phono , CD, DBS, tape 1 and 2, VDP, VCR 1 and 2
  -:®:-   Video inputs : VDP, DBS, video aux, VCR 1 and 2
  -:®:-   Dimensions W x H x D] : 434 x 160 x 427mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 13.5 kg   - packed 15kg

   SOLD April 2014 on trademe  to Panmure, Auckland


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