NRPavs  SOLD items 2014 archive 1  Denon  DRA-455   AM / FM stereo receiver 4th unit  details
SOLD items 2014 archive 1 product details : 
  Denon  DRA-455
stereo  receiver - 4th unit

Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  includes  RC-174  remote
Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  tone  controls  closeup
Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  left  profile
Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  back  view
Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  top view  - depth  scale
Denon  DRA-455R  stereo receiver  :  size  scale
   SOLD June 2014 from Oldies but Goodies,  to Gisborne
S/N: 1074509233   remote: RC-174,  manual   3rd unit images shown - new images soon
sitemap             Denon  DRA-455  [4th unit]  stereo  receiver  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                  Denon   DRA-455R stereo receiver, 4th unit - black :
Features :
  • Power rating : Front : 52 Watts at 8 ohms
  • MM phono
  • Includes RC-174 remote, operating manual, AM lop and FM aerials

Specifications :
  -:®:-   Vintage : 2000 model
  -:®:-   Power rating : 52 Watts x 2 at 8 ohms [20Hz to 20kHz] at THD 0.05%
  -:®:-   Colour : Black
  -:®:-   Remote : RC-174
  -:®:-   Design : Signal level divided construction
  -:®:-   Headphones jack : yes
  -:®:-   Speakers out : A,  B,  A+B speakers with front switching
  -:®:-   Adjustable Loudness
  -:®:-   40-station random preset memory, Auto preset memory [FM only]
  -:®:-   Phono capable : MM moving magnet
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D] : 434 x 119 x 310mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 6.1kg   ~ 8kg packed

   SOLD June 2014 from Oldies but Goodies and recommendation,  to Gisborne


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