NRPavs   SOLD items 2014 archive 1  Sony  PS-T15   direct drive  turntable  details
SOLD items 2014 archive 1 item details : 

Sony  PS-T15
direct  drive  turntable
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  fully  automatic
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  right  profile
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  tonearam  closeup
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  back  view
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  cover  lid  down
Sony  PS-T15  direct drive  turntable  :  size  scale
   SOLD March 2014, from Oldies but Goodies and recommendation, to Whangarei
S/N: 302426
               sitemap  Sony  PS-T15 direct drive turntable  specifications                          Back to NRPavs Home  
      Sony   PS-T15 direct drive turntable - grey :
   A functioning, late-80s direct drive turntable featuring outside lid controls

Specifications :
  -:®:-   Vintage 1979 model
  -:®:-   Type : direct drive
  -:®:-   Motor : DC servo controlled motor [brushless and slotless]
  -:®:-   Speeds : 33 and 45rpm
  -:®:-   Wow and flutter : ± 0.065%
  -:®:-   Signal to noise : 70dB [DIN 8]
  -:®:-   Platter : 313mm aluminium alloy diecast
  -:®:-   Tonearm : static-balance type, curve shaped arm
  -:®:-   Effective length : 221mm,   Overhang : 15.5mm
  -:®:-   Cartridge weight range : 4g to 10g
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D} : 445 x 140 x 375mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 5.0kg  - packed ~ 6.3kg

   SOLD March 2014, from Oldies but Goodies and recommendation, to Whangarei


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