NRPavs   SOLD items 2014 archive 1  Yamaha  TT-400  turntable 2nd unit  details
SOLD items 2014 archive 1 details : 
  Yamaha  TT-400
belt  drive  turntable  - 2nd unit
Yamaha  TT-400  belt drive turntable
Yamaha  TT-400  :  in  play
Yamaha  TT-400U  turntable  :  stylus  raised  up
Yamaha  TT-400U  turntable  :  back  view
Yamaha  TT-400  turntable  :  cover  lid  down
Yamaha  TT-400  turntable  :  size  scale
   SOLD March 2014 on trademe  to Te Puke
S/N: CF0308A055
sitemap          Yamaha  TT-400 [2nd unit] belt drive turntable  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                           Yamaha   TT-400  2nd unit  belt drive turntable
Features :
Fully automatic belt drive turntable with good condition lid

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1989 vintage
  -:®:-   Near new condition
  -:®:-   Cleaned and balanced
  -:®:-   Operating manual included
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D] : 430 x 110 x 375mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 4.0 kg,  6.0kg packed

   SOLD March 2014 on trademe   to Te Puke


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