NRPavs  SOLD items 2015 archive 1  Marantz  PM-54  stereo amplifier 2nd unit  details
SOLD items 2015 archive 1 product details : 
  Marantz  PM-54
stereo amplifier - 2nd unit

Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier 
Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier  :  right  profile
Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier  :  controls  closeup
Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier  :  back  view
Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier  :  top  view
Marantz  PM-54  stereo  amplifier  :  size  scale
   SOLD  March 2015 on trademe  to Christchurch
S/N: 49N090320   1st unit images shown - new images soon
sitemap             Marantz  PM-54 [2nd unit]  stereo amplifier  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
   Marantz   PM-54  [2nd unit]  stereo amplifier - champagne gold :
   Mid 1980s vintage Marantz amplifier featuring champagne gold colour and lower indent controls section
   Two sets of control knobs : input selector and volume to the right,  tone controls to the left
   Moving magnet MM and moving coil MC phono inputs

Specifications :  
  -:®:-   1984 vintage
  -:®:-   80 watts x 2  at 8 ohms [20Hz to 20kHz THD 0.015% ]
  -:®:-   95W at 4 ohms [1kHz]
  -:®:-   Frequency response : 20Hz to 20kHz [+0dB / -0.3dB]
  -:®:-   Damping factor : 90 at 1kHz, 8 ohms
  -:®:-   Signal to noise : phono: MM: 84dB,  MC: 68dB,  line [Aux / tape / cd]: 96dB
  -:®:-   Tone controls : Bass: ±10dB at 100Hz,   treble: ±10dB at 10kHz
  -:®:-   Colour : champagne gold
  -:®:-   Remote : no remote with this model
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D] : 416 x 136 x 334mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 8.8kg - packed ~ 10kg

   SOLD March 2015 on trademe  to Christchurch


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