NRPavs   SOLD items 2015 archive 1  Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  details
SOLD items 2015 archive 1 product details : 
Technics  SL-J110R
belt  drive  turntable
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  :  lid needs support
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  lid  down
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  :  left  profile
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  back  view
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  :  size  scale #5
Technics  SL-J110R  turntable  :  size  scale #6
   SOLD May 2015 on trademe  to Clarks Beach, Auckland
S/N: AA8729F154
  sitemap                Technics  SL-J110R  cd  player  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
    Technics  SL-J110R  turntable - black :  
   Without remote control
   This SL-J110R has no right side hinge, replaced with strong tape : lid needs to be held for record changes

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1988 model turntable in black
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D]: 430 x 80 x 230mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 3.9kg,   packed ~ 5.5kg

   SOLD May 2015 on trademe  to Clarks Beach, Auckland


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