NRPavs   SOLD items 2016 archive 1  B&W  DM601 S2  speakers  details
SOLD items 2016 archive 1 product details : 
Bowers & Wilkins
B&W  DM601  series 2  speakers

Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  front  view
Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  right  profile

Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  right  view,  size  scale
Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  backs  view

Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  left  profile
Bowers & Wilkins B&W DM601 S2  speakers  :  size  scale
   SOLD June 2016 on trademe  to Auckland
S/Ns: 112329 / 112330
sitemap              Bowers and Wilkins  DM601 Series 2  speakers specifications                Back to NRPavs Home  
   B&W  DM601 series 2  speakers - black :
   The B&W DM 601 Series 2 bookshelf speakers are at once lively and dynamic, throwing a large soundstage (a lifelike stereo image between the speakers) and flaunting their adeptness at retrieving ambient information
   Their near-holographic abilities with sound make them equally suitable for enjoying music and movies. The smallest model in B&W's 600 Series of stereo and home-theater loudspeakers, the 601 Series 2s boast exactly the same technology used in larger B&W models
   Those technologies include B&W's striking yellow Kevlar-fiber bass/midrange driver, one of the most accurate speaker drivers found anywhere
   A bullet-shaped dust cap helps the driver maintain its shape and stability for better bass dynamics at higher powers and lower frequencies
   An aluminum-dome tweeter with B&W's Nautilus tweeter tube smoothes out the high-frequency response, while an unusual port, which B&W calls a Flowport, uses tiny dimples, like those on a golf ball, to smooth air movements and thereby lower both noise and distortion
   This is serious stuff, and it really seems to work. The 601 Series 2s boast airy, extended high frequencies without a trace of slurring or ringing. Midrange instruments and vocals sound naturally expressive, and the speakers render subtle shifts of pitch and phrasing with ease
   Bass response, while not very deep (these aren't floorstanders, remember), is taut and gorgeously detailed. In addition, the 601 Series 2s exhibit a seamless presentation across their frequency range, with no one area jutting out unnaturally
   The DM 601 Series 2s are speakers that deserve special attention. They perform well above average at an appealing price, making them one of the best values going

   This pair have one damaged speaker and both tweeter domes inverted : repairs have been made for front baffle integrity, to one plastic front grille and the domes have been supported with silver paint
   Black colour / grey front baffle   Front vented 2-way design   6.5" bass driver,  1" tweeter [damaged domes]

   SOLD June 2016 on trademe  to Auckland


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