NRPavs SOLD items 2016 archive 1  Pioneer  PL-L800  linear tracking  turntable - 2nd unit details
SOLD items 2016 archive 1 product details :

Pioneer  PL-L800
linear tracking   turntable - 2nd unit
Pioneer  PL-L800  linear  tracking  turntable
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable  :  right  profile
Pioneer  PL-L800  linear  tracking  turntable  :  controls  closeup
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable  :  back  view
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable  :  lid  down,  size  scale
Pioneer  PL-L800  turntable  :  arm  elevation
   SOLD January 2016 on trademe  to Hokitika
S/N: BG 14070 T
sitemap                Pioneer  PL-L800  [2ndf unit]  turntable   specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
 Pioneer  PL-L800  [2nd unit  linear tracking  turntable   - silver / grey :                

Description :
  • 1981 vintage linear tracking turntable with controls outside the cover
  • Quartz locked direct drive model with tangential tracking linear drive tonearm
  • High output moving coil PN 4MC stylus and PN4MC cartridge - see specs scan image for details

Features :
  -:®:-   1981 - 1982 model   see specs image above
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D]: 420 x 120 x 427mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 8.3kg    packed : 10kg

   SOLD January 2016 on trademe  to Hokitika


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