NRPavs   SOLD items 2018 archive 1 Technics  SB-K20  [7th pair]  speakers   details
SOLD items 2018 archive 1 product details : 
Technics  SB-K20
stand  speakers  - 7th pair
Technics  SB-K20 speakers  :  front  view - 7th pair  walnut
Technics  SB-K20 speakers [7th pair]  :  right  profile
Technics  SB-K20  stand / rear  speakers  :  drivers  closeup
Technics  SB-K20 [7th pair] speakers  :  backs  view
Technics  SB-K20  stand / rear  speakers  : left  profile
Technics  SB-K20 speakers  :   size  scale
   SOLD June 2018 on  trademe  to Christchurch
S/Ns: 33833 / 33834
sitemap                  Technics  SB-K20 [7th pair]  stand / rear  2-way speakers specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
         Technics  SB-K20 speakers  [7th pair] - walnut outer vinyl colour :
Description :
   A wolf in sheep's clothing - this SB-K20 model was made and tested by me back in the early 80s at Fisher & Paykel
   The light but powerful two-way ported bass-reflex K20 has nominal power handling of 60W but it took our 110W test amplifier turned up to 7.5 at about 70W to 90W to blow the red cutout button.

   Simply reset the button and the speakers are ready to go - I never once blew up a K20 tweeter in the soak test, ever !

   The sound quality is incredible, in terms of tone, musicality and good design - these K-20s are fantastic bargains

Features :
  -:®:-   Frequency response of 45Hz to 22kHz
  -:®:-   Overload protection reset button
  -:®:-   A nominal impedance of 8ohms for 60W - 70W RMS power handling
  -:®:-   Bass reflex ported 2-way gives a measured efficiency of 91dB at 1Watt @ 1m
  -:®:-   Dimensions [H x W x D]: 650 x 350 x 253mm 
  -:®:-   Weight : ~ 10kg each packed

   SOLD June 2018 on  trademe  to Christchurch


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