NRPavs  SOLD items 2019 archive 1  Cambridge Audio  azur 540A  [1st unit]  stereo  amplifier  details
SOLD items 2019 archive 1 product details : 

  Cambridge Audio   azur  540A
stereo  amplifier  - 1st unit
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  front  view
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  right  top  view
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  controls  and  input  select  closeup
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  back  view
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  left  profile
Cambridge Audio  540A  stereo  amplifier  :  size  scale
   SOLD February 2019 on  trademe  to Invercargill
S/N: YN 540A-S EU 0410 0047
sitemap                 Cambridge Audio  azur  540A  [1st unit]  stereo  amplifier  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
               Cambridge Audio  azur 540A  [1st unit]  stereo  amplifier  - silver :
   The azur 540A stereo amplifier is a mid-2000s model featuring preamplifier outputs,  two sets of speakers output terminals and a direct tone bypass switch
   Five way protection system ensures safe and longlife operation

Specifications :
  -:®:-   Vintage : 2004 model
  -:®:-   Power rating : 50W x 2 at 8ohms,  75W at 4ohms
  -:®:-   Total harmonic distortion : 0.009% [1kHz],  0.09% [20kHz]
  -:®:-   Signal to noise ratio : 92dB [unweighted]
  -:®:-   Frequency response : 5Hz to 50kHz
  -:®:-   Slew rate : 30V/μsec at 8ohms
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D) : 430 x 100 x 310mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 7.0kg,  - packed ~ 8.5kg

   SOLD February 2019 on  trademe  to Invercargill


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