NRPavs  SOLD items 2023 archive 1  Denon  DRA-365R  [5th unit]   stereo  amplifier   details
SOLD items 2023 archive 1 product details : 
  Denon  DRA-365R
stereo  receiver - 5th unit
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  includes  RC-174  remote  controller
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  right  profile
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  controls  closeup
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  back  view
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  left  profile
Denon  DRA-365R  stereo receiver  :  size  scale
   SOLD April 2023 on  trademe  to Tutukaka
S/N: 5056302164   remote: RC-174   amplifier only, no FM
sitemap              Denon  DRA-365R   [5th unit]  stereo  receiver  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                  Denon   DRA-365R  [5th unit]  stereo receiver - black :
   Vintage : 1994 model
   High quality 48W x 2 stereo amplifier only receiver with RC-174 remote controller

Features :
 • Power rating : Front : 48 Watts at 8ohms at 0.05% THD

Specifications :
  -:®:-   48 Watts at 8ohms [20Hz to 20kHz]
  -:®:-   62W + 62W at 4 ohms, DIN 1kHz, THD 0.7 %
  -:®:-   Colour : Black
  -:®:-   Remote : RC-174
  -:®:-   Signal Level Divided Construction (S.L.D.C) High-quality power amplifier
  -:®:-   Two sets of video, inputs and outputs
  -:®:-   3-Way Speaker Terminals A, B, A+B speaker switching
  -:®:-   Adjustable Loudness [50Hz / 10kHz at +10dB / +5dB]

  -:®:-   Character display input
  -:®:-   Signal to noise ratio : 78dB (MM),  95dB (CD / Video / tape / VCR)
  -:®:-   FM / AM Section : No FM, ignore any tuner specs below
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D] : 434 x 120 x 312mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 6.0kg  - packed 7.5kg

   SOLD April 2023 on  trademe  to Tutukaka


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