NRPavs   SOLD items 2012 archive 2  MEGA  M205 stereo amplifier 2nd unit details
SOLD items 2012 archive 2 product details : 

Mega  M205
stereo  amplifier - 2nd unit

MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  left profile
MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  input  selector  closeup
MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  6mm binding posts have teeth
MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  back view
MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  upward  view
MEGA  M205   stereo  amplifier  :  controls  closeup
   SOLD  October 2012 on trademe to Glenfield, Auckland
S/N: 02 / 1101
  MEGA  M205 stereo  amplifier  - 2nd unit, black specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                 Mega  M205 stereo amplifier, 2nd unit - black :
Features :
   Mid 80s vintage 50W stereo amplifier made in New Zealand by Tim Farrant of Buzz Audio
   No remote control
   MM / MC phono input options
   Slimline profile,  with side heatsinks
   Substantial 5mm capable sturdy speaker wire binding posts

This New Zealand made stereo amplifier may be internally and cosmetically restored
The excellent power supply makes the MEGA M105 and M205 models very potent amplifiers for their small size
This is due to the excellent power supply which includes 10,000uf smoothing capacitors and a 150VA toroidal transformer
They possess good headroom, by producing higher than rated power for short bursts  - giving them an immediate and very expressive soundscape

   SOLD  October 2012 on trademe  to Glenfield, Auckland


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