NRPavs   SOLD items 2013 archive 2   Pioneer  A-400X  stereo  amplifier  details
SOLD items 2013 archive 2 product details : 
Pioneer  A-400X
stereo  amplifier
Pioneer  A-400X  stereo  amplifier  :  no  remote  controller
Pioneer A-400X stereo amplifier  :  right  profile
Pioneer A-400X stereo amplifier  :  controls  closeup
Pioneer A-400X stereo amplifier  :  back  view
Pioneer A-400X stereo amplifier  :  top  view  - depth scale
Pioneer A-400X stereo amplifier  :  size  scale
   SOLD August 2013 on trademe  to Whangarei
S/N: ND5500060 S
  Pioneer  A-400X  stereo amplifier specifications                          Back to NRPavs Home  
     Pioneer  A-400X stereo amplifier - black
   Classic mid 90s cult stereo amplifier

Features :
   Inputs : Phono [MM/MC], CD, Tuner, Line, Tape
   MM/MC front switched

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1993 to 1995 vintage
  -:®:-   Power rating : 50watts RMS at 8ohms, 0.02% THD,  70W at 4ohms 0.03% THD
  -:®:-   DIN power rating [1kHz, 1% THD 8ohms / 4ohms] : 60W / 85W
  -:®:-   Dynamic power [EIA test signal] : at 8 / 4ohms / 2ohms : 70W / 100W / 150W
  -:®:-   Input sensitivity / impedance : phono: 2.8mV/50kohms,  / 0.24mV/100ohms,   cd/tuner/line/tape: 200mV/40koms
  -:®:-   Frequency response : Phono [MM / MC]: 20Hz to 20kHz ± 0.3dB / 0.5dB   cd/tuner/line/tape : 1Hz to 300kHz +0dB / -3dB
  -:®:-   Signal to noise ratio [IHF, A-weighted] : phono: [MM 2.8mV / MC 0.24mV]: 86dB / 67dB,   cd/tuner/line/tape: 110dB
  -:®:-   Signal to noise ratio [DIN, continuous power 50mW] : phono[MM/MC]: 74dB/65dB,  cd/tuner/line/tape: 92dB/68dB,
  -:®:-   Tone controls : no
  -:®:-   Speakers : A, B, A + B  - rear labelled for bi-wiring
  -:®:-   Dimensions [W x H x D]: 420mm x 126mm x 352mm
  -:®:-   Weight: 7.9kg  ~ 9.5kg packed

   SOLD August 2013 on trademe  to Whangarei


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