NRPavs  SOLD items 2013 archive 2  Rotel  RCD-855  [2nd unit]  cd player  details
SOLD items 2013 archive 2 product details : 
  ROTEL  RCD-855
cd   player - 2nd unit
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  no remote
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  right profile
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  left  profile
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  back  view
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  specifications scan
Rotel  RCD-855  cd  player  :  display  closeup
   SOLD October 2013 by selection from Oldies but Goodies, to Mt Eden, Auckland
S/N: 49322932
  Rotel  RCD-855 [2nd unit]  cd player  specifications :                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                    Rotel  RCD-855  [2nd unit]  cd player - black :
Single cd player with no remote control,  colour black

Features :
  -:®:-   Programmable play modes

Specifications :
  -:®:-   1989 - 199? single cd player
  -:®:-   Frequency response : 20 to 20kHz  [amplitude linearity: +/- 0.05dB, channel balance, phase linearity: +/- 0.5dB]
  -:®:-   Dynamic range : 96dB
  -:®:-   Transport, DAC : Philips CDM-4, TDA1541
  -:®:-   Channel separation [1kHz] : 100dB
  -:®:-   Total Harmonic Distortion : 0.0025%
  -:®:-   Overall signal / noise ratio : 100dB
  -:®:-   Wow & Flutter : not measurable
  -:®:-   Dimensions [ W x H x D ] : 444 x 86 x 346mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 7.0kg,  - packed 9kg

   SOLD October 2013 by selection from Oldies but Goodies, to Mt Eden, Auckland


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