NRPavs   SOLD items 2018 archive 2  Harman Kardon  HK3350  [2nd unit]  stereo  receiver   details
SOLD items 2018 archive 2 product details : 

Harman Kardon  HK3350
stereo  receiver  - 2nd unit

Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  front  view
Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  right  top  view
Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  display,  controls closeup
Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  back  view
Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  left  profile
Harman Kardon  HK3350  stereo  receiver  :  size  scale
   SOLD July 2018 on  trademe  to North Shore
S/N: S244-08641   remote: RRV101
sitemap               Harman Kardon  HK3350 stereo  receiver  specifications                          Back to NRPavs Home  
                 Harman Kardon  HK3350  [2nd unit]  stereo receiver - black :

   Low profile audiophile stereo receiver,  with remote controller

Specifications :
  -:®:-    Vintage : 2001 ? model
  -:®:-    Power rating : 30W RMS at 0.1% THD stereo

Audio Section :
  -:®:-    Power output : typically 38W at 0.047% THD
  -:®:-    Frequency response [-3dB] : 0.4Hz to 175kHz
  -:®:-    Input sensitivity : at 30W, Video / CD: 135mV ±25mV
  -:®:-    Signal to noise ratio : Video/CD: 84dB
  -:®:-    Channel separation at 10kHz : Video/CD: 73dB
  -:®:-    High Instanteous current capability : 30amps
  -:®:-    Damping factor : 44 [at 1kHz]
  -:®:-    Tone controls : bass at 50Hz  Boost / Cut ±10dB,   treble at 10kHz: Boost / Cut ±10dB
  -:®:-    Loudness control : at 50Hz +10dB
  -:®:-    Dimensions [W x H x D]: 443 x 105 x 349mm
  -:®:-    Weight : 7.2kg  - packed weight ~ 9kg

   SOLD July 2018 on  trademe  to North Shore


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