NRPavs   SOLD items 2020 archive 2  Mission  700  [1st pair]  stand / rear  speakers  details
SOLD items 2020 archive 2 product details : 
Mission  700
stand  speakers - 1st pair
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  left  profile #1  - inverted drivers
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  right  top  view
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  drivers  closeup
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  backs  view
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  left  profile #2
Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  :  size  scale
   SOLD August 2020 on  trademe   to Balmoral, Auckland
S/Ns: 015231 / both
sitemap                Mission  700  stand / rear  speakers  specifications                Back to NRPavs Home  
    Mission  700  stand / rear  speaker - black ash :
   Sealed box, inverted drivers, 2-way   speakers :
   The Mission 700 loudspeakers do not have cover grilles

   Mission of the UK introduced the 700 series of speakers in the early 80s
   They were very popular, as they sounded great, with almost full range sound that belied their compact size
   In 1985, they produced a special version of the 700 speakers, named 700 'Leading Edge'
   The design was different, using an acoustic suspension design (no ports), better quality drivers and a higher crossover point, well out of the critical area where crossover anomalies are easier to hear
   The no-port design meant better, tighter bass and they could handle more power . . . . but they are still very efficient and easy to drive

Specifications :
  -:®:-   Vintage : 1985 model
  -:®:-   Enclosure type : 2-way sealed - infinite baffle, inverted drivers - tweeter lower
  -:®:-   Frequency response: 55Hz to 20kHz
  -:®:-   Finish : Black ash
  -:®:-   Impedance : 6 ohms
  -:®:-   Sensitivity : 90dB [2.83V / 1m]
  -:®:-   Power input rating : 20 to 100watts
  -:®:-   Crossover frequency : 3.5kHz
  -:®:-   Effective volume : 15lt
  -:®:-   Drive units: HF: 19mm (0.8") polymide tweeter, ferro fluid cooled  LF: 177mm (7.0") Plasiflex woofer
  -:®:-   Input connectors : spring type, bare wire binding posts
  -:®:-   Cabinet dimensions [W x H x D] : 210 x 380 x 205mm
  -:®:-   Weight : 12kg each,  - packed each: 14kg

   SOLD August 2020 on  trademe   to Balmoral, Auckland


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