NRPavs  SOLD items 2007 / 2008 archive Sansui  AU-222 stereo  amplifier  details
SOLD items 2007 / 2008 archive product details : 
  Sansui  AU-222
stereo  amplifier

Sansui  AU-222  stereo amplifier 
Sansui  AU-222  power  output
Sansui  AU-222  back  view
Sansui  AU-222  harmonic  distortion  graph
 SOLD  Sept 2007 on trademe to Auckland
  sitemap    Sansui  AU-222 stereo amplifier specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
     Sansui  AU-222  stereo integrated amplifier
These vintage Sansui amplifiers are finding a new lease of life as owners re-discover the open, pure quality of their cascading power amplifier and atmospheric preamp from the original design wizards at Sansui.

It has had two minor repairs to the power supply and a respray grey, but otherwise has original cosmetics and internal electronics. It comes with the original Sansui AU-222 service and operating manual.

Features :
  -:®:-   Power :  18W RMS at 8 ohms, 46W peak
  -:®:-   Harmonic distortion :  less than 0.8%
  -:®:-   Frequency response :  20Hz - 30kHz +/- 1dB
  -:®:-   Damping factor - greater than 20 at 8 ohms

  -:®:-   Dimensions [ W x H x D ]:  292 x 111 x 267mm      -:®:-   Weight :  5.8kg

   SOLD Sept 2007 on trademe   to Auckland


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