NRPavs   SOLD items 2007 / 2008 archive  Sansui  SR-212  turntable   details
Sold items 2007 / 2008 archive product details : 
  Sansui SR-212 turntable
 Sansui  SR-212 turntable 
 Serial number 425073792
 SOLD April 2007 after auction on trademe by email procurement request
  sitemap    Sansui  SR-212 turntable  specifications                         Back to NRPavs Home  
                            Sansui  SR-212 turntable
A standard S-shaped tonearm and better than average lightweight cartridge headshell.
Brand new SN37 stylus and full cosmetic workover

Features :
  -:®:-   Brand new SN37 stylus
  -:®:-   Anti-skating weight was dealt to by a 4 year old and so I replaced it with a red tag of similar weight
  -:®:-   Sound cover hinges and general condition is good
  -:®:-   Dimensions [ W x H x D ] : 440 x 155 x 370mm    -:®:-   Weight 5kg

   SOLD April 2007 after Trademe  auction by email procurement request to Mt Roskill Auckland


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