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SOLD items 2008 archive product details : 
  Technics  SB-K20
front  speakers - 2nd pair

 Technics  SB-K20   front speaker 
 Technics  SB-K20 image #2
SOLD on trademe April 2007
S/Ns: 24285 / 24286
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                 Technics  SB-K20
A wolf in sheep's clothing - this SB-K20 model was made and tested by me back in the early 80s at Fisher & Paykel. The light but powerful two-way ported bass-reflex K20 has nominal power handling of 60W but it took our 110W test amplifier turned up to 7.5 at about 70W - 90W to blow the red cutout button. Simply reset the button and the speakers are ready to go - I never once blew up a K20 tweeter in the soak test, ever !

The sound quality is incredible - but I would say that - no really, I tested these in the anechoic chamber side by side with some of our best models including the SB-G700 cousin to the SB-X500A also in stock and the top of the line SB-10 honeycomb which of course won. In terms of tone, musicality and good design - these K-20s are fantastic bargains. In common with the AR94s, simple design and good matching of components sometimes adds up to exceptional performance.

Specifications :
  -:®:-   Frequency response of 45Hz - 22kHz   -:®:-   Overload protection reset button
  -:®:-   Dimensions [H x W x D]: [ 25 x 14 x 13 inches ]
  -:®:-   A nominal impedance of 8ohms for 60W - 70W RMS power handling
  -:®:-   Bass reflex ported 2-way gives a measured efficiency of 91dB at 1Watt @ 1m

   SOLD April 2007 on trademeto Papakura, Auckland


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