NRPavs        SOLD  items  2024  archive 2
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dvd,  Blu-ray  players 
CD  players   or  other  inputs 
 Technics  SL-PG490  1st unit  
Home theatre 5.1 receivers
Miscellaneous  amplifiers
Stereo  amplifiers
Stereo  receivers
  Yamaha  AX-380  1st unit 
Speakers   front
 JPW  ML 510  1st pair  
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Blu-ray  players,  mini systems
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CD  players
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Technics  SL-PG490
cd  player

charcoal grey
Late 1998 to 2001 vintage    sorry, no remote controller
Single cd player   central loading  100dB S/N ratio
RCA phono outputs,  and optical digital output

   SOLD July 2024 on  trademe  to Marton

Technics SL-PG490 [1st unit] cd player - charcoal grey

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All text and images are  :   © NRPavs  2006 - 2024   All Rights reserved 

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All text and images are  :   © NRPavs  2006 - 2024   All Rights reserved 

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Home  theatre  receivers
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Miscellaneous amplifiers
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Stereo   amplifiers
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Yamaha  AX-380
stereo  amplifier
1st  unit
A 1994 to 1995 vintage stereo amplifier   55W
Phono input

   SOLD July 2024 on  trademe  to Whangarei

Yamaha AX-380 [1st unit] stereo amplifier - black

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Stereo   receivers
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Speakers  main  front
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Speakers  rear / stand
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JPW  ML 510
stand  speakers
1st pair
2-way   60W  cherry  colour - grey cloth    Peerless 5.25inch woofers, 0.75inch dome tweeters
machine screw driver fixings, excellent drivers,  and hard-wired crossovers
Rear vented box design

   SOLD July 2024 on  trademe  to Whangarei

JPW ML 510 [1st pair] speakers - cherry



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Centre  TV  speakers
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